Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are complicated conditions caused by a myriad of factors including environmental, genetic, and several lifestyle factors such as what you eat, how much you eat and whether you exercise regularly. Having conditions such as diabetes, obesity, asthma etc. puts additional pressure on the body and on the mind, pushing it in an early cognitive decline. Eating well may contribute to a lowered risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.


Here are the top 5 foods you should add to your diet to reduce chances of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s.


Leafy Vegetables


A healthy diet of green always paves the way for a sound body. Research suggests that green leafy vegetables are at the forefront of fighting dementia. Include lots of green leafy vegetables in your diet to have a positive effect on your health. You can include vegetables such as kale spinach, cabbage, collards, chard, romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce, watercress, bok choy, and more. Typically, leafy vegetables have a high content of antioxidants and phytonutrients that improves brain health immensely,




Being one of the ‘brain’ foods, the high content of vitamin E, vitamin B, magnesium and healthy fats in nuts slows down signs of dementia in adults. Vitamin E plays an opposing force against the oxidative stress in your brain and promotes a healthy brain at an older age. Moreover, nuts are also known to reduce any cardiovascular risks, which in turn, reduces the chances of dementia and Alzheimer’s. A study mentions that women over 70 who consume five or more servings of nuts every week are seen to possess better cognitive functioning.




Similar to nuts, berries contain flavonoids that elevate brain health by reducing oxidative stress from your brain and reducing the chances of dementia significantly. Moreover, berries are a great source of anti-inflammatory compounds, fibers, vitamins and minerals that improve your brain health immensely. A study also found that consuming a glass of blueberry juice daily helped boost one’s memory.




Sardine, salmon, cod and tuna, all are abundant in omega-3s (healthy fats). Including these in your diet may protect the brain from early cognitive decline.  Omega-3 provides brain with an abundance of oxygen which then allows the brian to retain old information while also being able to learn new information.




Spices are a great addition to your nutritional diet in preventing dementia. Spices like cinnamon, cumin and sage are rich in polyphenols, which act as memory and brain boosters. Spices also help in destroying any brain plaque responsible for reducing cognitive activity.


There are many more food groups that you can add to your everyday meals to fight against any prevailing symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Our body, especially in old age, is a lot more susceptible to diseases if diet and proper care are overlooked. With a proper caregiver, your health rests in capable hands and that’s why Cherokee Angel Senior Care and Training Center is here to offer you a helping hand in supporting and providing the utmost care at your tender age. Join hands with us today.